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Welcome to District Dollars

Updated September 2016; includes projected budgets through 2017.

Revenue from improving economic conditions brought another good year for California schools in 2016. Davis schools received an increase to fund lower class sizes, new and restored programs for students, improved compensation for employees, expanded professional learning opportunities, and technology to enhance classroom instruction.

Now in the fourth year of implementation, the Local Control Funding Formula sets key state priorities for all students, but school districts choose the programs that will benefit their students. The LCFF provides more funding for students who come from low-income families, those learning English and those living in foster care.

With Measures C and E set to sunset in 2017, the District placed Measure H on the November 2016 ballot. This measure would replace the expiring taxes with a single eight-year parcel tax of $620/year, raising $9.5 million each year to continue quality programs for Davis students.

District Dollars is a web-based, interactive program to help you understand the DJUSD budget situation.

You will learn about:

  • How we pay for California schools
  • How much money the district gets and how it is spent
  • Davis parcel taxes and what they fund

District Dollars lets you ask questions, provide feedback and share your own values about education priorities.

Note: The budget and specific numbers are subject to change.

Next: Funding Davis Schools
John A. Bowes · Superintendent
526 B Street · Davis, CA 95616 · 530-757-5300 ·
District Dollars is a collaborative project of the Davis Joint Unified School District and community volunteers.
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